Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bzz...Glade Expressions Collection

Ok, so recently I was coerced (yeah you're right, convinced) to sign up for BzzAgent, which seems to be this really cool site that you can earn points for Mypoints.com AND sign up to test cool products.

Here's the kicker.  I've only been a member for less than a month and I got invited (and accepted) to join my first campaign with them!  Woot woot!

I don't know much about Glade products, only that I love most of the scents AND they usually do a pretty good job of masking unwanted odors in most of the rooms in my house.  So, needless to say, I am pretty darn excited to see what products I get for this to try, and will update once I have received and smelled my way through them all.  :)

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